About Me

I am a student currently studying Computer Science, with Concentration in Information Assurance & Cybersecurity. I have created this personal blog to document and journal my cybersecurity journey as I learn new techniques/strategies. As this space continues to exhibit exponential growth, I feel it is imperative to give back the knowledge I’ve acquired so that others can build upon that and truly create extraoridnary systems/processes. My favorite quote which illustrates this is by Sir Isaac Newton which states, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

On occasion, I may also include an out-of-ordinary post on topics relating to my hobbies other than cybersecurity which include: Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Techonology, Investing, and Gaming/Video Editing.

Join me in my journey of Securing the World & Making it a better place!

CLICK ME for Resume



Local File Inclusions to Remote Code Execution

Google Drive:

Bug Bounty: For Fun & Profit

Local File Inclusions to Remote Code Execution

Exploiting a Boot2Root Machine

Configuring a Windows Firewall

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Technologies

[Photovolatic Enery Production] (https://rancs-lab.com/presidents-choice-winner-during-poster-competition/) .